Mission Adventures

kyiv / ukraine

Work alongside YWAM Kyiv staff in their Key of Hope ministry for orphans and street children. Connect with members of the local community through cafe ministry and English clubs. 


'model a new system of values and principles in this nation.'

Kyiv - Ukraine

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Kyiv is one of the oldest cities in Eastern Europe, with a rich history, and a beautiful blend of the old and the modern.

God has placed a strong calling on YWAM Kyiv to model a new system of values and principles in this nation, by doing simple things for the community that will show God’s heart and His values to the local people.


The YWAM staff here are involved in a wide variety of ministries including:

Key of Hope which is a programme to teach basic life skills and biblical truths to orphans and at risk youth; King’s Kids to disciple and empower kids and teens; mercy ministries for refugees, wounded soldiers, and families in need; a full-time preschool for local children; English clubs; and a cafe ministry to bring people together for fellowship and meaningful conversation. Mission Adventure teams volunteering here will stay at the YWAM property located about an hour metro ride from the city centre. On their day off, the team would have the opportunity to take in some of the historical sights and culture and enjoy some yummy local food! 




please pray for the ywam staff serving in ukraine & those in surrounding nations working along side the many refugees/displaced people.

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