so, you want your young people to get the most out of their upcoming missions trip?

Mission Equip is all about helping your young people maximize growth in their relationship with God and equipping them to live lives that are whole-heartedly devoted to knowing Him and making Him known!
The series is designed for your outreach/mission trip team to watch together in the same room, the discussions and activities are group based for everyone to participate in, including the group leader/facilitator. Each session should last about 1 hour and 30 minutes including all video activities and discussions.

what is it?
check out this short teaser!

The series explores seven topics we believe are key to understanding and preparing for missions and missional living. Each session packed with deep teachings, activities and discussions to help youth and youth leaders unpack and process together.
1. Who is God?
In order for us to make Him known, we have to start by knowing Him first.
2. Identity.
Knowing who we are in Christ changes how we live, how we see ourselves and how we engage with those around us.
3. Hearing God.
Living missionally is all about listening and being obedient to what He is saying.
4. Missions!
Taking our place in gods story. At its core missions is an extension of God’s love for all people and all nations through each one of us!
5. Spiritual Discernment.
Exploring how we can be aware of what might be happening around us beyond what we can see. Either knowing what God is doing, or when the enemy might be trying to hinder our work.
6. Evangelism.
Looking at what it is and what it isn’t! and the power of our personal testimonies in reaching all people.
7. Coming Home.
Reflect on the time spent serving and process some of the challenges we might face when getting back. We also look at how we can respond to the experience and continue living missionally in our own communities.

we’re looking forward to going on this journey of exploring missions with you!