mission trips
£550 + FLIGHT
SUMMER 2025: 16 - 30 AUGUST

Put your faith into action by spending two weeks of your summer deepening your relationship with God and experiencing cross-cultural missions!
The programme begins at Neighbours & Nations Camp, participating in the mission track breakout sessions to prepare you for your mission trip. You’ll get to serve alongside long-term missionaries overseas and make a difference in the lives of the people you meet. It ends with a time of reflection and celebration of what God has done in and through you and all the teams!

nn camp
Your trip kicks off at the Neighbours & Nations Camp mission track! Get ready for next-level worship, prayer, intercession, and teaching, plus workshops to get you ready for serving in your outreach location.

choose your location
God wants to use young people like you and your youth group to bring transformation to the nations!
Locations are offered on a first come first serve basis, with some discussion with our team to help find the best fit for your group based on your team size, focus areas of ministry and location. Please reach out to us to discuss the best location for you and your youth group!

Join a team of like-minded young people age 15-18 and share your faith and love of Jesus alongside long-term missionaries in Serbia! Run day camps for children, join in creative evangelism on the streets, do practical labour with the local church, prayer walk around the city, and organise a cultural evening event for local youth.

After decades of being a ‘closed’ nation (where it was illegal to share the gospel), today we have the incredible opportunity to be part of the answer to years of prayer for this nation to be reached with the gospel and love of Jesus! Come and join what God is doing in Albania!

Serve alongside churches and missionaries in England and be part of the move of God in this nation. The United Kingdom has a rich history of sending missionaries overseas, but we are now in need of missionaries serving in our nations to see people reached for Jesus.
We have multiple locations from the North to the South of England. Reach out and we will find an opportunity that works for your group.
Summer 2025 - August 16-30 - AVAILABLE

Mission Adventures is more than a mission trip, it's missionary training.
As Mission Adventures staff, we will take care of all the practical aspects of the trip including food, housing, training, transportation, ministry planning, translation, debriefing, etc. For local church/school workers, this enables them to bring their young people on a missions trip without the burden of planning and administrating all the details, and frees them up to simply share in the experience with their youth.
The aim of the programme is to take young people outside of the distractions of their everyday lives and to provide an environment for them to encounter God in radical and life changing ways. Our hope is that by participating in Mission Adventures, youth groups will not only be personally transformed by God and have their worldview broadened, but that they will return home with a more missional mindset to impact their local communities.

Your trip will start by joining the Neighbours and Nations Camp mission track where you’ll join in with the incredible times of worship, prayer, intercession, and teaching and have workshops in ministry skills relevant to your outreach location. You’ll also join in with team-building games that will help your team learn how to communicate well and work together in unity. Our aim for all of this training is not only to prepare teams for their upcoming mission trip but for them to return home equipped to live a more missional life.
Youth Groups will also be provided a 7-session youth mission prep series called Mission Equip for you to work through together in the weeks leading up to NN camp.

Accompanied by Mission Adventures staff, you and your group will embark on an 8-9 day cross-cultural missions trip where you will serve alongside long-term missionaries in the nation you visit. The outreach will primarily consist of three elements: evangelism; some form of mercy ministry such as food distribution, working with the homeless, or visiting the sick; and serving in a practical way, such as teaching English, gardening, painting, or running a summer camp. The schedule during the trip will include a balance of ministry time, team time, and some free time where you can relax or take in some local sights and culture.

Upon returning from the trip, Mission Adventures staff will guide your group through a day of debriefing, where you will have the chance to reflect and discuss, both personally and collectively, what you have experienced and what God has taught you during the programme. There will also be some teaching, such as practical tips on giving a presentation about the trip to your home church, and different ways you can take what you’ve learned and apply it within your local community. On the last day we will celebrate all that God did in and through the teams as they each share some testimonies from their outreach with the YWAM Harpenden community, and their friends and family.

what’s it like?
Ben shares his experience brining of bringing his youth group to Mission Adventures and going on outreach to Albania.

Our history
Mission Adventures is a ministry of YWAM International. Founded in 1986 as a small outreach programme between Los Angeles and Mexico with just 30 participants, Mission Adventures has grown to operate out of over 75 locations in more than a dozen countries. Over 120,000 young people, representing hundreds of churches, have gone on short-term missions through MA over the last three decades. Mission Adventures UK is part of the larger European family of Mission Adventures ministries as well as the global Mission Adventures Network.

What is YWAM?
Youth With A Mission is an global movement of followers of Christ from many backgrounds, cultures and Christian traditions, dedicated to reaching out to all the world in every area of life. Also known as YWAM (pronounced “WHY-wham”), our purpose is simply to know God and to make Him known. When YWAM began in 1960, our main focus was giving young people opportunities to demonstrate the love of Jesus to the whole world, according to His command in Mark 16:15. Today, we still focus on youth, but we have members of almost every age and many of our short-term efforts have grown into long-term endeavours that have impacted lives and nations. We currently work in more than 1,100 locations in over 180 countries, with a volunteer staff of over 20,000.

ywam harpenden
YWAM Harpenden is a missional community that partners with churches and organisations worldwide, our aim is to transform communities globally by discipling and training young people to live like Jesus. Our historic site, once Englands largest national children’s home, was purchased 25 years ago and has since become one of the largest of the 25+ YWAM training centres in the UK. Aside from housing and classrooms, its 47 acres also includes a chapel, an ancient woodland, sprawling fields, and a lovely cafe serving homemade cakes and the best coffee in town! Home to over 100 full-time staff from over 30 nations, YWAM Harpenden runs a wide variety of schools, camps, and ministries throughout the year, providing practical ways to put learning into practice in all spheres of society.

your faith into action
Years Running
MA Globally
Young people
Trained Globally
Youth Groups
Sent Globally

why do it?
Check out this short video to get a taste of Mission Adventures and see the heart behind why we do what we do.

environmental impact
We recognise God’s call on us to care for His whole creation. We believe our international mission trips to be part of a faithful response to that call, and make decisions about our programmes accordingly. We seek to minimise our carbon emissions as far as possible (travelling by train and avoiding indirect flights where possible, etc).
We encourage all of our participants to consider carbon offsetting via Climate Stewards to compensate for the unavoidable carbon emissions by supporting community carbon projects they are involved with. Their projects not only cut carbon but also bring tangible benefits to people and places.
If you would like, we can calculate this for your trip, add the carbon offsetting amount to your programme fees, and make the payment on your behalf. Alternatively, you can choose to do this yourself via their website. We recognise that we are learning in this area, and welcome any questions you might have.

£550 + flight
Price includes non-refundable registration fee of £50, all meals, accommodation, ministry expenses, outreach airport transfers and transportation.
*please note prices may be subject to change due to current global inflation rates
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let’s chat
Pop us a message and we’ll arrange a time to talk through what it might look like for your youth group to join Mission Adventures and go on a mission trip to serve the nations.